Wednesday, February 20, 2013


encouraging notes found in the bathroom on Valetine's day

Out of fairness to my capstone I am going to take an official break from posting until May. Call or stalk me at my studio apartment if you want some life updates. Or better yet, come to DAAPworks the last week of April to see all my hard work (the results have yet to be revealed to anyone...including myself).

In other news, I decided on Valentine's Day that I will officially be returning as a Teen Counselor at Maranatha this summer. I might have a few other leadership roles at camp, but those are TBA. Responsibilities aside, I am pumped to chat lakeside with my favorite hair-dye addict (Hannah), choreograph fantastic dances with my pretty little friend (Ellie), and plan some ruthless pranks with a few rascals (Jack & Zac). Don't worry, I'll save plenty of time for nerf wars, ice cream for dinner, and wonderful friends who visit Michigan. I can't believe I actually get the opportunity to go back! Camp was a beautiful place of rest and rediscovery for myself last year—I can't wait to see where God is leading me this time.

until May!